MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki

20 Mana is a type of Ammo used by Wands in MilMo.

How to Obtain

20 Mana can be obtained in the following ways:

Purchased at the following Shops:

NPC Price
Shopkeeper (ShopNPC1) Shopkeeper 2500 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem
Shopkeeper (ShopNPC1) Shopkeeper 4000 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem
Purple Purple 4000 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem

Reward from the following Medals:

In other languages

Language Name
English English 20 Mana
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) 20 Mana
Spanish Spanish (LA) 20 maná
French French 20 Mana
German German 20 Mana
Polish Polish 20 Many
Romanian Romanian 20 de Mana
Swedish Swedish 20 Mana
 • Mana Mana  • 20 Mana 20 Mana  • 20 Arrows 20 Arrows  • 20 Cells 20 Cells  • 200 Cells 200 Cells  • 50 Cells 50 Cells  • Arrow Arrow  • Cell Cell  • 1000 Arrows 1000 Arrows