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A Dream Come True is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Richard Richard: The cannon can't hurt the kraken's rubbery hide, but it can knock the snails off. Quick! Run up and tell SVEIK that he must keep firing at the kraken. It will leave once the parasites are gone. You'll receive 400 GEMS and 1 COIN for delivering the message. Hurry! 


KRAKEN ISLAND: Tell SVEIK to keep firing at the kraken, then report back to RICHARD.



Richard Richard: Run up and tell SVEIK that he must keep firing at the kraken. He's helping it get rid of the parasites. You'll receive 400 GEMS and 1 COIN for delivering the message. Hurry! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Sveik Sveik (Kraken Island Kraken Island): It's scientifically proven that blasting the kraken is the right thing to do. This may be the best day of my life!:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Richard Richard: Thank you for giving that message to Sveik. Here are some GEMS and a COIN for the trouble. It's such a fascinating creature, that kraken. I'd better study it while I still can! 

In other languages

Language Name
English English A Dream Come True
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Um Sonho se Torna Realidade
Spanish Spanish (LA) Un sueño hecho realidad
French French A Dream Come True
German German A Dream Come True
Polish Polish A Dream Come True
Romanian Romanian A Dream Come True
Swedish Swedish A Dream Come True
 • A Dream Come True  • Choosing a Path  • Digging Into the Past  • Historical Kraken  • Island Studies  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 2  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 3  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 4  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 5  • Save the Kraken  • Slimy Research  • Stocking Up  • Supply Chain  • Tentacle Search  • Voice of Experience