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A Shiny, Shiny Thing is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Snipper (Snipper) Snipper: You're here to see the SHINY THING, right? Sure! Everyone likes shiny! It just showed up next to the BOAT while I was gone. I should go away more often. That must be the UFO. Better take a look. 


VISITOR ISLAND: Take a closer look at the SHINY THING near the BOAT.


  • Find UFO


Snipper (Snipper) Snipper: Go look at the SHINY, SHINY THING near the BOAT. You'll love it! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • UFO: Well, it IS shiny.:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Snipper (Snipper) Snipper: Hey, there are some gems here, too! 

In other languages

Language Name
English English A Shiny, Shiny Thing
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Uma Coisa Bem Brilhante
Spanish Spanish (LA) Una Cosa Muy Muy Brillante
French French A Shiny, Shiny Thing
German German A Shiny, Shiny Thing
Polish Polish A Shiny, Shiny Thing
Romanian Romanian A Shiny, Shiny Thing
Swedish Swedish A Shiny, Shiny Thing
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