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MilMo Wiki

Acorn Study is a Furniture of type Misc Furnitures that can be placed inside your Home in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Acorn Study can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
800 640 144

In other languages

Language Name
English English Acorn Study
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Bolotas, Um Estudo
Spanish Spanish (LA) Estudio de Bellotas
French French Acorn Study
German German Acorn Study
Polish Polish Badanie Żołędzi
Romanian Romanian Studiu de Ghindă
Swedish Swedish Acorn Study
 • Legendary Orb Legendary Orb  • Legendary Fish Legendary Fish  • Legendary Flower Legendary Flower  • Legendary Skull Legendary Skull  • Legendary Scroll Legendary Scroll  • Sandglass Sandglass  • Sinister Orb Sinister Orb  • Sinister Fish Sinister Fish  • Sinister Flower Sinister Flower  • Sinister Scroll Sinister Scroll  • Sinister Skull Sinister Skull  • Golden Lamp Golden Lamp  • Golden Shield Golden Shield  • Fountain of Wealth Fountain of Wealth  • Dragon Head Dragon Head  • Champions Trophy Champions Trophy  • Pile of Coins Pile of Coins  • Flawless Trophy Flawless Trophy  • Scarab Shield Scarab Shield  • Wreath Wreath  • Basic Stove Basic Stove  • Basic Freezer Basic Freezer  • Simple Pot Simple Pot  • Basic Toilet Basic Toilet  • Rubber Duck Rubber Duck  • Basic Washing Machine Basic Washing Machine  • Basic Bath Tub Basic Bath Tub  • Basic Bathroom Sink Basic Bathroom Sink  • Fish Bowl Fish Bowl  • Desk Phone Desk Phone  • Trash Can Trash Can  • Jacuzzi Jacuzzi  • Alarm Clock (FloorItem0002Ingame) Alarm Clock  • Easel Easel  • Ship in a Bottle Ship in a Bottle  • Trap Door Trap Door  • Gem Display Gem Display  • Sunrise on Adventure Sunrise on Adventure  • Imagination Imagination  • Acorn Study Acorn Study  • Weights Weights  • Telescope Telescope  • Dungeon Grate Dungeon Grate  • Mystic Tome Mystic Tome  • Giant Clam Giant Clam  • Coffee Cup Coffee Cup  • Candelabra Candelabra  • Petunias Petunias  • Cactus (Flower0002Ingame) Cactus  • Massive Vines Massive Vines  • Potted Palm Potted Palm  • Aloe Vera Aloe Vera  • Potted Tree Potted Tree  • Cyclone Lamp Cyclone Lamp  • Lava Lamp Lava Lamp  • Water Cooler Water Cooler