MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki
Alien Ruins
Alien Ruins
Summer Tide Saga

"A strange place where energy seems to permeate the air."

Alien Ruins is a Area in MilMo.


After defeating the Possessed Survivor, you find yourself on a strange island that has mystical energy in the air. There are no Monsters, Creatures, or starting Quests here.

Travel Connections

Exploration Tokens



Item (Event) Location Probability Spawn Interval
Alien Gadget Alien Gadget on the bright bridge of light ~89% 10 seconds
Gem (Gem) Gem on the bright bridge of light ~11% 10 seconds
Geode Geode in grassy areas ~100% 15 seconds
Geode Geode in grassy areas ~100% 15 seconds
Geode Geode in grassy areas ~100% 15 seconds


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Ray Gun Grip Ray Gun Grip ~100%
12 seconds
Key Fragment (Level21KeyPiece01) Key Fragment ~100%
10 seconds
Key Fragment (Level21KeyPiece02) Key Fragment ~100%
10 seconds
Key Fragment (Level21KeyPiece03) Key Fragment ~100%
10 seconds
Key Fragment (Level21KeyPiece04) Key Fragment ~100%
10 seconds


  • None


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval


  • None


 • June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co. <br> • Alien Journal Alien Journal <br> • Inscribed Stone (Object) (StandingInscribedStone01) Inscribed Stone (Object)

In other languages

Language Name
English English Alien Ruins
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Ruínas Alienígenas
Spanish Spanish (LA) Ruinas Alienígenas
French French Ruines Étrangères
German German Alien Ruins
Polish Polish Alien Ruins
Romanian Romanian Ruinele Extraterestre
Swedish Swedish Alien Ruins
Seastar Resort Seastar Resort&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Visitor Island Visitor Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Kraken Island Kraken Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rhubarb Island Rhubarb Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Swamp Island Swamp Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ancient Forest Ancient Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mushroom Forest Mushroom Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cozyville Cozyville&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Boss Beach Boss Beach&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Lightmill Island Lightmill Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Sage Oak Island Sage Oak Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cannon Island Cannon Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Treehouse Island Treehouse Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rose Island Rose Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Water Lily Island Water Lily Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Nikonos Island Nikonos Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Alien Ruins Alien Ruins&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Yacht Yacht&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Hidden Tor The Hidden Tor&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Eternal Monument The Eternal Monument&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Dunes The Dunes