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Bandit Mask is a wearable Cloth of type Masks in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Bandit Mask can be obtained in the following ways:

Sold on Cash Shop :

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
1000 800 180

In other languages

Language Name
English English Bandit Mask
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Máscara de Bandido
Spanish Spanish (LA) Máscara de Bandido
French French Bandit Mask
German German Banditenmaske
Polish Polish Maska Bandyty
Romanian Romanian Mască de Bandit
Swedish Swedish Bandit Mask
 • Sun Parade Mask Sun Parade Mask  • Red Fiend Mask Red Fiend Mask  • Bunny Mask Bunny Mask  • Butterfly Mask Butterfly Mask  • Invader's Mask Invader's Mask  • The Reaper's Mask The Reaper's Mask  • Plague Mask Plague Mask  • Harlequin Mask Harlequin Mask  • Bandit Mask Bandit Mask  • Bunny Nose Bunny Nose  • Ice Hockey Mask Ice Hockey Mask