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MilMo Wiki
Cannon Island
Cannon Island
Summer Tide Saga

"The ancient puzzle known as Cannon Island will challenge your wits, and test your daredevil mettle."

Cannon Island is a Area in MilMo.


'''Cannon Island''' is situated between Sage Oak Island and Swamp Island in the Summer Tide Saga adventure. Players can also access Propylon by going to the highest platform and using the pedestal.

Travel Connections

Exploration Tokens



Item (Event) Location Probability Spawn Interval
Round Runestone Round Runestone near the tree ~44% 20 seconds
Oddly-Shaped Runestone Oddly-Shaped Runestone near the tree ~33% 20 seconds
Oblong Runestone Oblong Runestone near the tree ~22% 20 seconds


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Newbloom Newbloom ~30%
30 seconds
Chili Flower Chili Flower ~25%
30 seconds
Morning Trumpet Morning Trumpet ~20%
30 seconds
Sunflower Sunflower ~15%
30 seconds
Long Feather Long Feather ~100%
30 seconds
Nautical Egg Nautical Egg
(Spring Fling)
120 seconds
Rotten Pirate Tooth (EventToothLevel15) Rotten Pirate Tooth
(The Legend of Toothless Jack)
120 seconds
Secret Document Secret Document ~100%
30 seconds
Powder Keg (PowderKeg) Powder Keg ~100%
120 seconds
Magic Lantern Magic Lantern ~100%
30 seconds
Chalice Chalice ~100%
30 seconds
Page 5 Page 5 ~100%
30 seconds
Page 4 Page 4 ~100%
30 seconds
Page 3 Page 3 ~100%
30 seconds
Page 2 Page 2 ~100%
30 seconds
Page 1 Page 1 ~100%
30 seconds
Super Jump Super Jump ~100%
30 seconds
Cold Finger Cold Finger ~10%
30 seconds


Item (Event) Probability Spawn Interval
Pink Sea Star Pink Sea Star (Treasure Hunt) ~6% 10 seconds
Golden Sea Star Golden Sea Star (Winterfest) ~6% 10 seconds
Abalone Shell Abalone Shell (The Sun Parade) ~6% 10 seconds
Oyster Oyster ~31% 10 seconds
Red Coral Red Coral ~19% 10 seconds
Blue Sea Star Blue Sea Star (Sea Festival) ~19% 10 seconds
Seaweed Seaweed ~12% 10 seconds
Green Sea Star Green Sea Star (Treasure Hunt) <1% 10 seconds


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Miniature Purple Melon Purple Melon 3 ~88% 120 seconds
Miniature Watermelon Watermelon 3 ~13% 120 seconds
Miniature Vase Vase 7 ~100% 120 seconds
Miniature Ice Golem Ice Golem
3 ~100% 5 seconds
Miniature Ice Colossus Ice Colossus
1 ~100% 60 seconds



 • Ayu's Quest Ayu's Quest (Fallen Heroes)<br> • File:Raoul's Field Notes.png Raoul's Field Notes (Alchemy Event)<br> • June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co. <br> • Snipper (Snipper) Snipper (Winterfest)<br> • File:Inscription (BowlTalker).png Inscription <br> • Musty Tome Musty Tome

In other languages

Language Name
English English Cannon Island
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Ilha do Canhão
Spanish Spanish (LA) Isla del Cañón
French French Île de Canon
German German Kanonen Insel
Polish Polish Cannon Island
Romanian Romanian Insula Tunurilor
Swedish Swedish Cannon Island
Seastar Resort Seastar Resort&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Visitor Island Visitor Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Kraken Island Kraken Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rhubarb Island Rhubarb Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Swamp Island Swamp Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ancient Forest Ancient Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mushroom Forest Mushroom Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cozyville Cozyville&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Boss Beach Boss Beach&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Lightmill Island Lightmill Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Sage Oak Island Sage Oak Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cannon Island Cannon Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Treehouse Island Treehouse Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rose Island Rose Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Water Lily Island Water Lily Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Nikonos Island Nikonos Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Alien Ruins Alien Ruins&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Yacht Yacht&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Hidden Tor The Hidden Tor&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Eternal Monument The Eternal Monument&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Dunes The Dunes