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Cherry-Vanilla Dream is a Useable Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Cherry-Vanilla Dream can be obtained in the following ways:

Purchased at the following Shops:

NPC Price
Cashier (CafeNPC) Cashier 300 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem

Used in

Cherry-Vanilla Dream has the following uses:

Use Effect

When used, Cherry-Vanilla Dream gives the following effect: Display a ice cosmetic visual effect on character's head for 10 seconds.

In other languages

Language Name
English English Cherry-Vanilla Dream
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Sonho de Cereja e Baunilha
Spanish Spanish (LA) Un sueño, Cereza y Vainilla
French French Cherry-Vanilla Dream
German German Cherry-Vanilla Dream
Polish Polish Wiśniowo-Waniliowy Sen
Romanian Romanian Vis de Cireșe-Vanilie
Swedish Swedish Cherry-Vanilla Dream
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