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MilMo Wiki

Corrupted Butterfly (Item) is a Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Corrupted Butterfly (Item) can be obtained in the following ways:

Obtained when capturing the following Creatures:

Used in

Corrupted Butterfly (Item) has the following uses:
Required for the following Quests:
Precise Confusion, Part 6<br>The Darkness Without, Part 6 of 6<br>Legend of Toothless Jack, Part 2<br>Horrible Biting Butterflies
Used as material in the following Converters:
Corrupted Gem Necklace Converter Corrupted Gem Necklace Converter

In other languages

Language Name
English English Corrupted Butterfly
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Borboleta Corrompida
Spanish Spanish (LA) Mariposa Dañada
French French Papillon Corrompu
German German Corrupted Butterfly
Polish Polish Uszkodzony Motyl
Romanian Romanian Fluture Corupt
Swedish Swedish Corrupted Butterfly