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MilMo Wiki

Crab Claw is a Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Crab Claw can be obtained in the following ways:

Dropped by the following Creatures:

Used in

Crab Claw has the following uses:
Required for the following Quests:
Restorative Magic, Chapter 2<br>Power of Provocation, Chapter 4<br>Femme Fatale<br>Mixing It Up<br>Tooth and Claw<br>Critter Collection
Used as material in the following Converters:
Buttercrab Tee Converter Buttercrab Tee Converter

In other languages

Language Name
English English Crab Claw
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Pinça de Caranguejo
Spanish Spanish (LA) Tenaza de Cangrejo
French French Crab Claw
German German Krabbenzange
Polish Polish Szczypce Kraba
Romanian Romanian Gheară de Crab
Swedish Swedish Crab Claw