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MilMo Wiki

Curious Crabs is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Gustav Gustav: Hello there, nice to see you. Ever since the Sea Festival started, I haven't had much visitors here. I bet it has to do with that curious crab outside. Can you defeat it for me? You can then have a look at this mysterious thing I found by the shore. 


Defeat 1 curious DEEP CRAB for Gustav



Gustav Gustav: Could you defeat the crab outside? You can then have a look at this mysterious thing I found. 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Miniature Deep Crab Deep Crab: I wonder what Gustav found by the shore.:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Gustav Gustav: Thank you for keeping it off, I wonder why they show up here. 

In other languages

Language Name
English English Curious Crabs
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Caranguejo Curioso
Spanish Spanish (LA) Curious Crabs
French French Curious Crabs
German German Curious Crabs
Polish Polish Curious Crabs
Romanian Romanian Curious Crabs
Swedish Swedish Curious Crabs
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