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Cutting the Supply Train is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Royal Decree (PrawnOrders3) Royal Decree: Your king has had 5 SUPPLY CRATES delivered near the HELICOPTER. Do not be seen when collecting them! I've got to get over there and smash those crates! 


THE ETERNAL MONUMENT: Smash 5 CRATES on the small island near the HELICOPTER, then return to SNIPPER.


  • Find Supply Crates


Royal Decree (PrawnOrders3) Royal Decree: Your king has had 5 SUPPLY CRATES delivered near the HELICOPTER. Do not be seen when collecting them! I've got to get over there and smash those crates! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Supply Crates: Here are the crates. Time to smash 'em!

In other languages

Language Name
English English Cutting the Supply Train
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Cortando os Suprimentos
Spanish Spanish (LA) Cutting the Supply Train
French French Cutting the Supply Train
German German Cutting the Supply Train
Polish Polish Cutting the Supply Train
Romanian Romanian Cutting the Supply Train
Swedish Swedish Cutting the Supply Train
 • Bouncing the Bouncers  • Buried Treasure  • Cutting the Supply Train  • De-supplying the Invasion  • Pirate Food  • Preserving the Past  • Sabotage That Shrimp!  • The Cat on the Raft  • The Dirty Bomb  • To Golden Heights  • Turning the Tide  • Wicked Overseer  • Worldly Treasures