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Detour is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co.: That crash was incredible! I saw it from my usual route and took a detour to check on things. I'll give you 200 GEMS and 1 COIN to ask PHILONOUS if anyone else was here when the UFO crashed. I can't leave the boat. 


VISITOR ISLAND: Ask PHILONOUS if anyone else was around when the UFO crashed, then return to the TUGBOAT CAPTAIN.



June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co.: I'll sail out once I know that everyone's all right. Please ask PHILONOUS if anyone else was here when the UFO crashed. I'll give you 200 GEMS and 1 COIN. 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

In other languages

Language Name
English English Detour
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Desvio
Spanish Spanish (LA) Desviación
French French Detour
German German Detour
Polish Polish Detour
Romanian Romanian Detour
Swedish Swedish Detour
 • A Shiny, Shiny Thing  • Alien Hunt  • An Engineer's Food  • Converter Power  • Detour  • Mayoral Tribute  • Reverse Engineering  • Take to the Air  • Hidden Quest:Remove Blue Lumirod  • Hidden Quest:Remove Green Lumirod  • Hidden Quest:Remove Red Lumirod  • The Alien Menace  • The Blue Charge  • The Crab-Speak Potion  • The Crustacean Confrontation  • The Crustacean Confrontation II  • The Green Charge  • The Prawn Invasion  • The Red Charge  • Thing Alert!  • World Tour, Part 1  • World Tour, Part 10  • World Tour, Part 11  • World Tour, Part 12  • World Tour, Part 2  • World Tour, Part 3  • World Tour, Part 4  • World Tour, Part 5  • World Tour, Part 6  • World Tour, Part 7  • World Tour, Part 8  • World Tour, Part 9  • Yummy Fish Heads