MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki
MilMo Wiki

Fallen Heroes Statue is a World Object as it can be interacted with.


Now that you have learned of heroes past, it is your chance to become a Living Legend. Defeat MONSTROUS BOOKS in the ANCIENT FOREST and collect HEROIC SCROLLS from your ENEMIES. You may yet earn your place in history!


 • Fallen Heroes: Silas
 • Fallen Heroes: Ayu
 • Fallen Heroes: Indigo
 • Fallen Heroes: Old Snicky
 • Fallen Heroes: Lavinia
 • Fallen Heroes: Admiral Whiskers
 • Fallen Heroes: Mateus
 • Fallen Heroes: Nai
 • Fallen Heroes: Frog

Related Quests

 • Fallen Heroes: Ayu<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Frog<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Indigo<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Lavinia<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Mateus<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Nai<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Silas<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Old Snicky<br>  • Fallen Heroes: Admiral Whiskers

In other languages

Language Name
English English Fallen Heroes Statue
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Estátua dos Heróis Perdidos
Spanish Spanish (LA) Fallen Heroes Statue
French French Fallen Heroes Statue
German German Fallen Heroes Statue
Polish Polish Fallen Heroes Statue
Romanian Romanian Fallen Heroes Statue
Swedish Swedish Fallen Heroes Statue
Bella Bella&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rosemary Rosemary&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Fallen Heroes Statue Fallen Heroes Statue&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Morris Morris&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Konrad Konrad&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Pumpkin Trader Pumpkin Trader&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Karhu Karhu&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Shopkeeper (ShopNPC1) Shopkeeper&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cashier (CafeNPC) Cashier&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Raoul's Notes Raoul's Notes&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Bellhop Bellhop&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Chloe Chloe&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Bartender Bartender&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Captain (VIPCaptain) Captain&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;File:Helm.png Helm&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Modern Piracy, Issue 7 Modern Piracy, Issue 7&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Raoul Raoul&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Fletcher (EasterFletcher) Fletcher&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Spike (Spike) Spike