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MilMo Wiki

Fruit Crate is a breakable Container in MilMo.


Fruit Crate can be found in the following Areas:

Location (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Mushroom Forest Mushroom Forest 4 ~100% 120 seconds

Related Quests

  • None

Related Medals

Breaking Fruit Crate can unlock the following Medals:

  • No related medals.

Fruit Crate Loot

This is the list of all items that can be obtained by defeating Fruit Crate:

Item (Amount) Probability
Banana Banana (1) 70%
Apple Apple (1) 50%
File:Orange (Container) (Orange).png Orange (Container) (1) 50%
Pear Pear (1) 30%
Mango Mango (1) 30%

Item (Amount) Event Probability
Unripe Banana Unripe Banana (1) Treasure Hunt 10%

In other languages

Language Name
English English Fruit Crate
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Caixa de Frutas
Spanish Spanish (LA) Caja de Frutas
French French Cageot
German German Obstkiste
Polish Polish Skrzynia Owoców
Romanian Romanian Cutie de Fructe
Swedish Swedish Fruktlåda
Breakable Containers
  •  Shale Mine  •  Limestone Mine  •  Alien Spore  •  Circus Barrel  •  Blue Light Bulb  •  Green Light Bulb  •  Red Light Bulb  •  Yellow Light Bulb  •  Supply Crate  •  Flask  •  Vase  •  Cardboard Box  •  Pumpkin  •  Barrel  •  Purple Melon  •  Wooden Crate  •  Watermelon  •  Rotten Barrel  •  Cracked Pot  •  Ceramic Jar  •  Cursed Jar  •  Cursed Vase  •  Fruit Crate  •  Box of Fuses  •  Jack O'Lantern (Container)  •  Giant Jack O'Lantern  •  Matchbox  •  Orange (Container)  •  Salt Shaker (Container)  •  Noxious Sprout  •  Red Light Generator  •  Green Light Generator  •  Blue Light Generator  •  Blue Present  •  Green Present  •  Red Present