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MilMo Wiki

Green Ghost Light (Item) is a Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Green Ghost Light (Item) can be obtained in the following ways:

Obtained when capturing the following Creatures:

Used in

Green Ghost Light (Item) has the following uses:
Required for the following Quests:
Made of What?<br>Professional Ghost Hunting<br>Ghostly Escapees
Used as material in the following Converters:
Bright Ghost Light Converter Bright Ghost Light Converter

In other languages

Language Name
English English Green Ghost Light
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Luz Fantasma Verde
Spanish Spanish (LA) Luz Verde de Fantasma
French French Lumière Fantôme Verte
German German Green Ghost Light
Polish Polish Zielone Światło Ducha
Romanian Romanian Fantomă Verde Luminată
Swedish Swedish Green Ghost Light