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Heli-Ticket is a Useable Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Heli-Ticket can be obtained in the following ways:

Sold on Cash Shop :

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
9990 7992 1798.2

Obtained from:
Invite Friends

Used in

Heli-Ticket has the following uses:


It unlocks access to The Eternal Monument The Eternal Monument when talking to [[File:June Shipping Co. (ChopperJuni).png|32px|link=June Shipping Co.]] June Shipping Co. on Nikonos Island Nikonos Island or Treehouse Island Treehouse Island.

<br/>'''Note''': After using the Heli-Ticket to unlock access to the Eternal Monument you can use a <span class="notitle tooltip">Telepod Telepod<span class="tooltip-block"><span class="tooltip-row"><span class="tooltip-cell" style="font-size:17px;font-family:&quot;Eborg ITC Std&quot;;color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.2;text-align:left;position:absolute;left:5.524px;top:1.8px;">Telepod</span><span class="tooltip-cell" style="font-size:12px;font-family:&quot;Nunito&quot;;font-weight:Bold;width:140px;word-wrap:break-word;color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.2;text-align:left;position:absolute;left:6.844px;top:30.3px;z-index:4;">A telepod! Go to the map to use.</span><span class="tooltip-cell" style="position:absolute;left:157px;top:23px;width:98px;height:98px;z-index:2;">Telepod</span></span></span></span> to access without having to use another Heli-Ticket.

In other languages

Language Name
English English Heli-Ticket
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Cupom-Cóptero
Spanish Spanish (LA) Heli-Ticket
French French Héli-Billet
German German Coupon-Copter
Polish Polish Bilet na Helikoptera
Romanian Romanian Bilet-Elicopter
Swedish Swedish Heli-Ticket
Useables Items
 • Name Change Name Change  • Reset Class Reset Class  • Taffy Taffy  • Cupcake Cupcake  • Heroic Potion Heroic Potion  • Halloween Candy Halloween Candy  • Candy Bar Candy Bar  • Running Potion (PotionSpeed01) Running Potion  • Rocket Rocket  • Firecrackers Firecrackers  • Hearty Rocket Hearty Rocket  • Big Rocket Big Rocket  • Confetti Bomb Confetti Bomb  • Power Berry Power Berry  • Boost Berry Boost Berry  • Double Heart Berry Double Heart Berry  • Bounce Berry Bounce Berry  • Rocket Berry Rocket Berry  • Quick Berry Quick Berry  • Barracuda Berry Barracuda Berry  • Heli-Ticket Heli-Ticket  • Jar of Honey Jar of Honey  • Mystery Box (MysteryBox) Mystery Box  • Ocean Potion (OceanPotion) Ocean Potion  • Health Potion Health Potion  • Jumping Potion (PotionJump01) Jumping Potion