Edgar: Oh, you were serious! I'd always thought RANULF was a bit of a crackpot, but it seems he might be right about some things. You should talk to him. You might want to look in on JUDITH, as well. She's been asking for help. You will receive 200 GEMS and 1 COIN once you've spoken with both of them.
COZYVILLE: Either help JUDITH with a few things or see what RANULF has to say about the alien's claims.
Edgar: Be sure to talk to both JUDITH and RANULF. They should be in their homes. You will receive 200 GEMS and 1 COIN once you've spoken with both of them.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Judith (Cozyville): I really could use your help. I've got a big art show coming up!
Ranulf (Cozyville): Edgar sent you to me? Really? They're finally taking me seriously!: