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Impressive Beachcombing is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Tom Tom: WOODEN IDOLS are the coolest thing I can think of because they're so hard to find! They wash up on the BEACHES really rarely, but I heard you can dig them up at the CLEARING in COZYVILLE, too. If you could find one, I'd even give you a MEDAL! I'd be that impressed! 


NIKONOS ISLAND: Search the BEACHES for a WOODEN IDOL, then bring it to TOM. They don't wash up very often. Wooden idols might also be found by digging in the CLEARING in COZYVILLE.



Tom Tom: Did you find a WOODEN IDOL yet? They wash up on the BEACH sometimes, but not very often. I heard you can also dig them up in the CLEARING in COZYVILLE. If you did find one, I'd be so impressed I'd give you a MEDAL! Like that would ever happen! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Wooden Idol Wooden Idol: This must be the idol that Tom was talking about.:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Tom Tom: Hey, that's a real WOODEN IDOL! Whoa! Looks like you're as cool as me after all. Here, you can have my MEDAL. 

In other languages

Language Name
English English Impressive Beachcombing
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Caça ao Tesouro na Praia
Spanish Spanish (LA) Impresionante caminar por la playa
French French Impressive Beachcombing
German German Impressive Beachcombing
Polish Polish Impressive Beachcombing
Romanian Romanian Impressive Beachcombing
Swedish Swedish Impressive Beachcombing
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