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Inept Intel is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Windmill Windmill: i feel strange... the others... what has become of us? 


EJEKATL: Return to SENTINEL 7 with the new information.



Windmill Windmill: ...dark things have come for us... i feel strange... the others... what has become of us? 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

In other languages

Language Name
English English Inept Intel
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) InteligĂȘncia Inepta
Spanish Spanish (LA) Inept Intel
French French Inept Intel
German German Inept Intel
Polish Polish Inept Intel
Romanian Romanian Inept Intel
Swedish Swedish Inept Intel
Ejekatl Ejekatl Quests
 • A Windy Message  • Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs, Aurax Repairs  • Fighting Along  • Hostile Inspection  • Inept Intel  • Ruling The Roost  • Shedding Light  • The Fallen Guards