Edgar: As long as I've known her, Judith has been inspired by nature. Maybe we should remind her of that. I'll give you 1400 GEMS and 2 COINS to gather 12 GREEN BUTTERFLIES and 10 PURPLE PAINTBRUSH FLOWERS. Purple paintbrushes can be found on WATER LILY ISLAND. Once you have everything, bring them to JUDITH.
COZYVILLE: Catch 12 GREEN BUTTERFLIES and pick 10 PURPLE PAINTBRUSH FLOWERS. The flowers can be found on WATER LILY ISLAND. Bring them to JUDITH.
Edgar: Once you have 12 GREEN BUTTERFLIES and 10 PURPLE PAINTBRUSH FLOWERS, please bring them to JUDITH. Those flowers grow on WATER LILY ISLAND. I'll give you 1400 GEMS and 2 COINS for doing all this.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Green Butterfly: That should be enough green butterflies for Judith.