MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki

Lavinia Disappears is a World Object as it can be interacted with.


As time passed, the trade routes grew safer. Ships could outrun most sea monsters, and pirates were more cautious. Lavinia took the opportunity to set off on an expedition to the worlds beyond. As of this writing, there is no way of knowing where she went. One thing is certain: she never returned to these islands.


 • None

Related Quests

  • None

In other languages

Language Name
English English Lavinia Disappears
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Lavinia Desaparece
Spanish Spanish (LA) Lavinia Desaparece
French French Lavinia Disappears
German German Lavinia Disappears
Polish Polish Lavinia Disappears
Romanian Romanian Lavinia Disappears
Swedish Swedish Lavinia Disappears
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