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Legendary Goggles is a wearable Cloth of type Eyewear in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Legendary Goggles can be obtained in the following ways:

Reward from the following Lockboxes:

  • Blue Lockbox Blue LockboxBlue LockboxIt's locked, but there are keys for sale in the shop.Blue Lockbox
  • Mystery Box (MysteryBox) Mystery BoxMystery BoxContains a mystery item! What could they be?Mystery Box

Used as material in the following Converters:

Sinister Goggles Converter Sinister Goggles Converter


Legendary Goggles are part of the Legendary Set:

In other languages

Language Name
English English Legendary Goggles
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Óculos Lendários
Spanish Spanish (LA) Gafas Legendarias
French French Lunettes Légendaires
German German Legendary Goggles
Polish Polish Legendarne Gogle
Romanian Romanian Ochelari Legendari
Swedish Swedish Legendary Goggles
 • Eyepatch Eyepatch  • Dive Mask Dive Mask  • Swim Goggles Swim Goggles  • Round Spectacles Round Spectacles  • Green Beret Goggles Green Beret Goggles  • Monocle Monocle  • 3D Glasses 3D Glasses  • Pilot Shades Pilot Shades  • Cyber Goggles Cyber Goggles  • Legendary Goggles Legendary Goggles  • Sinister Goggles Sinister Goggles