MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki

In other languages: Português do Brasil

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/* CSS placed here will affect users of the mobile site */
@import "//";
@import "//";
@import "//";

/*hides content not suitable for mobile*/
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/*Eborg Font*/
@font-face {
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/* Article headers */
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/** Quote and BigQuote **/
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    display: table;
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/* MilMo Sky texture background in footer */
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/* Left align on larger screens */
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/* Scale to fit on tiny screens */
@media all and (max-width: 374px) {
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/* Header and footer */
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/* end header and footer */

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#content {
    /* This section can be used to style the content area */

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li.gallerybox div.thumb {
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/* Recent changes */
.content .mw-changeslist table td {
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/* Template documentation styles */
/* If modifying these styles, be sure to update the desktop skin! */
.doc {
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/* Simulate link styling for JS only links */
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/* Tooltips *
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/* Flexboxes */
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/*Flex children are the content divs inside flex container*/
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