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Mushroom Salad is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Fletcher (Fletcher) Fletcher: You ever have a mushroom salad? They're a family specialty. The rabbits really like 'em, too. Tell you what. You bring me 50 of any one kind of MUSHROOM and I'll give you 700 GEMS. 


ANCIENT FOREST: REPEATABLE. Collect 50 of any 1 kind of MUSHROOM and bring them to FLETCHER.


Collect any of:
 • 50 Fire Fungus Fire Fungus
 • 50 Rain Hat Rain Hat
 • 50 Thunder Bottom Thunder Bottom
 • 50 Cold Finger Cold Finger
 • 50 Blue Horn Blue Horn
 • 50 Gnome Cap Gnome Cap
 • 50 Fairy House Fairy House
 • 50 Spotted Button Spotted Button
 • 50 Hangnail Fungus Hangnail Fungus
 • 50 Deadly Bonnet Deadly Bonnet
 • 50 Skullcap Mushroom Skullcap Mushroom


Fletcher (Fletcher) Fletcher: You bring me 50 of any one kind of MUSHROOM and I'll give you 700 GEMS. The rabbits'll love 'em! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

Maximum number of loops have been performed


Quest Completion Dialogue

Fletcher (Fletcher) Fletcher: It sure is a lot of mushrooms when you see them all together like that! Here're your GEMS. 

In other languages

Language Name
English English Mushroom Salad
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Salada de Cogumelo
Spanish Spanish (LA) Ensalada de Hongos
French French Mushroom Salad
German German Mushroom Salad
Polish Polish Mushroom Salad
Romanian Romanian Mushroom Salad
Swedish Swedish Mushroom Salad
 • A Borrowed Pickaxe  • Again with the Thingamabob  • An Engineer's Worth  • Clearing the Rubble  • Digging Up Information  • Electronics Scavenging  • Fine Soldering  • Forgive And Forget  • Hidden Heart  • Horrible Biting Butterflies  • Intergalactic Cooperation  • Into the Mushroom Forest  • Into the Unknown  • Mushroom Salad  • Mystical Help  • Power For Polly  • Precise Confusion, Part 6  • Precise Confusion, Part 7  • Problematic Power  • Something New in Ancient Forest  • Starting From Scratch  • Starting Over, Part 1  • Starting Over, Part 2  • Hidden Quest:Engineer's Wrench Converter  • The Alien Gadget  • The Hunt For Flux, Part One  • The Hunt For Flux, Part Two  • The Golden Trade  • The Weird Effect  • To Tempt Rabbits  • Under the Doormat  • Weird Potion