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Old Snicky's Rebellion is a World Object as it can be interacted with.


When the Prawn King went mad with power, General Snicky faced a moral dilemma. Though he had sworn an oath of loyalty to the Prawn King, everyone below the seas was suffering. Snicky made his choice. He tricked the Prawn King into ordering a land invasion. At least the crabs would be able to escape. They could live on the beaches, just beyond the Prawn King's grasp.


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In other languages

Language Name
English English Old Snicky's Rebellion
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Rebelião do Velho Snicky
Spanish Spanish (LA) Rebeliòn del Viejo Snicky
French French Old Snicky's Rebellion
German German Old Snicky's Rebellion
Polish Polish Old Snicky's Rebellion
Romanian Romanian Old Snicky's Rebellion
Swedish Swedish Old Snicky's Rebellion
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