MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki
MilMo Wiki

Perspective is a Furniture of type Windows that can be placed inside your Home in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Perspective can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop

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800 640 144

In other languages

Language Name
English English Perspective
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Perspectiva
Spanish Spanish (LA) Perspectiva
French French Perspective
German German Perspective
Polish Polish Perspektywiczny
Romanian Romanian Perspectivă
Swedish Swedish Perspective
 • Cozy Scene Cozy Scene  • Scape Scape  • Traditional Drapes Traditional Drapes  • Traditional Drapes Wide Traditional Drapes Wide  • Vintage Drapes Vintage Drapes  • Perspective Perspective  • Sepulcher Sepulcher  • Aspect Aspect  • Vintage Drapes Wide Vintage Drapes Wide  • Eminent Eminent  • Panorama Panorama  • Aegis Aegis  • Wallflower Wallflower  • Crypt Crypt  • Lunar Lunar  • Regal Regal  • Modern Drapes Modern Drapes  • Barricaded Window Barricaded Window