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MilMo Wiki

Phoenix Wings is a wearable Cloth of type Wings in MilMo.

Wear Effect

When used, Phoenix Wings gives the following effect: Increases jump height by 50%.

How to Obtain

Phoenix Wings can be obtained in the following ways:

Sold on Cash Shop :

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
60000 48000 This item is not sold for coins.

Reward from the following Lockboxes:

  • Mystery Box (MysteryBox) Mystery BoxMystery BoxContains a mystery item! What could they be?Mystery Box

In other languages

Language Name
English English Phoenix Wings
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Asas da FĂȘnix
Spanish Spanish (LA) Alas del FĂ©nix
French French Phoenix Wings
German German Phoenix FlĂŒgel
Polish Polish SkrzydƂa Feniksa
Romanian Romanian Aripi Fenix
Swedish Swedish Phoenix Wings
 • Feathery Wings Feathery Wings  • Bat Wings Bat Wings  • Spiky Wings Spiky Wings  • Bone Wings Bone Wings  • Phoenix Wings Phoenix Wings  • Lavish Wings Lavish Wings  • Pompous Wings Pompous Wings  • Safir Wings Safir Wings  • Frost Wings Frost Wings  • Legendary Wings Legendary Wings  • Sinister Wings Sinister Wings