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Possessed Survivor is one of the Bosses found in MilMo.


&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;You need the <span class="notitle tooltip">Alien Watchamajigger Alien Watchamajigger<span class="tooltip-block"><span class="tooltip-row"><span class="tooltip-cell" style="font-size:17px;font-family:&quot;Eborg ITC Std&quot;;color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.2;text-align:left;position:absolute;left:5.524px;top:1.8px;">Alien Watchamajigger</span><span class="tooltip-cell" style="font-size:12px;font-family:&quot;Nunito&quot;;font-weight:Bold;width:140px;word-wrap:break-word;color:rgb(0,0,0);line-height:1.2;text-align:left;position:absolute;left:6.844px;top:30.3px;z-index:4;">This looks like it might unlock something, but what?</span><span class="tooltip-cell" style="position:absolute;left:157px;top:23px;width:98px;height:98px;z-index:2;">Alien Watchamajigger</span></span></span></span> to get on your ship through the glowing teleport on an islet on Visitor Island.


&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;'''Summon Energy Balls''': Summons 3 energy balls that cannot be defeated and hurts you. Just run away from them.

&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;'''Energy Beam''': When he raises his hand he loads up an energy beam that does 2½ Health Points damage to you, when he's about to fire just run around and it won't hit you.


&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The boss is sitting in the middle of the boss-room and will not move from there at any time. He will regularly summon three energyballs that will chase you around, if you manage to stay away from the energyballs for long enough then they will disappear. When the balls have disappeared then you have a few seconds on you to attack the boss (you can of course attack the boss at any time, but it is a lot harder to do so when being chased around by the energy-balls).

&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Going around in circles while attacking with a ranged weapon is the best strategy, as you will avoid the '''Energy Balls''' and the '''Energy Beam'''.


The '''Possessed Survivor''' guards the passage to the Alien Ruins below him, after defeated a hole will open and jumping in it you go to the Alien Ruins.

Possessed Survivor Loot

This is the list of all items that can be obtained by defeating Possessed Survivor:

Item (Amount) Probability
Corrupted Gem Corrupted Gem (1-5) 80%
Gem (Gem) Gem (1-8) 80%
Mechanical Claw Mechanical Claw (1) 100%
Gem (GemLarge) Gem (Large) (1-3) 100%
Ray Gun Housing Ray Gun Housing (1-3) 100%
Bubble Dome Converter Bubble Dome Converter (1) 1%

In other languages

Language Name
English English Possessed Survivor
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Sobrevivente Possuído
Spanish Spanish (LA) Sobreviviente Poseído
French French Survivant Possédé
German German Besessener Überlebender
Polish Polish Opętany Rozbitek
Romanian Romanian Supraviețuitor Posedat
Swedish Swedish Besatt Överlevare
Miniature Possessed Survivor Possessed Survivor Miniature Cave Skull Cave Skull Miniature Giga-Knight Giga-Knight Miniature Dread Smasher Dread Smasher Miniature Dread Summoner Dread Summoner Miniature The No-Brainer The No-Brainer Miniature The Mechalon The Mechalon