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MilMo Wiki

Red Ribbon is a Item in MilMo.

Note: Red Ribbon is a Unique Item, meaning that you can only have one in possession. When you use it or sell it, you can collect it again.

How to Obtain

Red Ribbon can be obtained in the following ways:

Purchased at the following Shops:

NPC Price
Frost Chest Frost Chest 5 Icicle IcicleIcicleSo cold!Icicle

Used in

Red Ribbon has the following uses:

Used as material in the following Converters:
Snowman Head Converter Snowman Head Converter

In other languages

Language Name
English English Red Ribbon
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Fita Vermelha
Spanish Spanish (LA) Cinta Roja
French French Red Ribbon
German German Rote Schleife
Polish Polish Czerwona Wstążka
Romanian Romanian Panglică Roșie
Swedish Swedish Red Ribbon