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Reset Class is a Useable Item in MilMo.

Note: Reset Class is a Unique Item, meaning that you can only have one in possession. When you use it or sell it, you can collect it again.

How to Obtain

Reset Class can be obtained in the following ways:

Sold on Cash Shop :

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
9995 7996 This item is not sold for coins.

Used in

Reset Class has the following uses:


When used resets all Class direction choices, allowing you to choose new class abilities.

<br/>'''Note''': When used, all previous class abilities will be deleted.

In other languages

Language Name
English English Reset Class
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Resetar Classe
Spanish Spanish (LA) Restablecer Clase
French French Reset Class
German German Klasse zurücksetzen
Polish Polish Reset Klasy
Romanian Romanian Resetați Clasa
Swedish Swedish Reset Class
Useables Items
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