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Runed Axe
Type Weapons
Subtype Axes
Description A viciously sharp axe marked with mysterious runes. Magic damage. Weapon Type: Axe
Attack 4
Magic 4,5
Speed 3,5
Range 0,5

Runed Axe is a Weapon of type Axes which is mainly used to cause damage to Monsters.


Runed Axe can be obtained in the following ways:

Related Medals

Using Axes in combat can unlock the following Medals:

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In other languages

Language Name
English English Runed Axe
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Machado de Runas
Spanish Spanish (LA) Hacha Rúnica
French French Runed Axe
German German Runed Axe
Polish Polish Topór pokryty Runami
Romanian Romanian Topor Gravat
Swedish Swedish Runed Axe