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Shimmering Shells is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Bella Bella: We should take advantage of this situation, who knows when this will happen again? Search the beaches and bring back 65 ABALONE SHELLS, that will last a long time! 


SEASTAR RESORT: Search the BEACHES for 65 ABALONE SHELLS and bring them to BELLA.



Bella Bella: Search the BEACHES for ABALONE SHELLS and bring me 65 of those. 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

Quest Completion Dialogue

Bella Bella: Incredible, I don't think I've ever seen so many of them at the same time! Thank you! 

In other languages

Language Name
English English Shimmering Shells
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Conchas Brilhantes
Spanish Spanish (LA) Casco Brilante
French French Coquilles Brillantes
German German Shimmering Shells
Polish Polish Migoczące Muszelki
Romanian Romanian Scoici Strălucitoare
Swedish Swedish Shimmering Shells
The Sun Parade Quests
 • Assisting An Idol  • Birds of a Feather  • Buried Accessories  • Crabs Know Best  • Parade Pottery  • Shimmering Shells  • Sun Parade 2012, Final Quest  • The Sun Parade?  • Wooden Goodies