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MilMo Wiki

Ship in a Bottle is a Furniture of type Misc Furnitures that can be placed inside your Home in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Ship in a Bottle can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop

Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
1000 800 180

In other languages

Language Name
English English Ship in a Bottle
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Navio na Garrafa
Spanish Spanish (LA) Barco dentro de una Botella
French French Ship in a Bottle
German German Ship in a Bottle
Polish Polish Statek w Butelce
Romanian Romanian Corabie într-o sticlă
Swedish Swedish Ship in a Bottle
 • Legendary Orb Legendary Orb  • Legendary Fish Legendary Fish  • Legendary Flower Legendary Flower  • Legendary Skull Legendary Skull  • Legendary Scroll Legendary Scroll  • Sandglass Sandglass  • Sinister Orb Sinister Orb  • Sinister Fish Sinister Fish  • Sinister Flower Sinister Flower  • Sinister Scroll Sinister Scroll  • Sinister Skull Sinister Skull  • Golden Lamp Golden Lamp  • Golden Shield Golden Shield  • Fountain of Wealth Fountain of Wealth  • Dragon Head Dragon Head  • Champions Trophy Champions Trophy  • Pile of Coins Pile of Coins  • Flawless Trophy Flawless Trophy  • Scarab Shield Scarab Shield  • Wreath Wreath  • Basic Stove Basic Stove  • Basic Freezer Basic Freezer  • Simple Pot Simple Pot  • Basic Toilet Basic Toilet  • Rubber Duck Rubber Duck  • Basic Washing Machine Basic Washing Machine  • Basic Bath Tub Basic Bath Tub  • Basic Bathroom Sink Basic Bathroom Sink  • Fish Bowl Fish Bowl  • Desk Phone Desk Phone  • Trash Can Trash Can  • Jacuzzi Jacuzzi  • Alarm Clock (FloorItem0002Ingame) Alarm Clock  • Easel Easel  • Ship in a Bottle Ship in a Bottle  • Trap Door Trap Door  • Gem Display Gem Display  • Sunrise on Adventure Sunrise on Adventure  • Imagination Imagination  • Acorn Study Acorn Study  • Weights Weights  • Telescope Telescope  • Dungeon Grate Dungeon Grate  • Mystic Tome Mystic Tome  • Giant Clam Giant Clam  • Coffee Cup Coffee Cup  • Candelabra Candelabra  • Petunias Petunias  • Cactus (Flower0002Ingame) Cactus  • Massive Vines Massive Vines  • Potted Palm Potted Palm  • Aloe Vera Aloe Vera  • Potted Tree Potted Tree  • Cyclone Lamp Cyclone Lamp  • Lava Lamp Lava Lamp  • Water Cooler Water Cooler