MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki

Shovel is a tool which is used for digging in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Shovel can be obtained in the following ways:

Purchased at the following Shops:

NPC Price
Shopkeeper (ShopNPC1) Shopkeeper 100 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem
Salesman Salesman 300 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem
Purple Purple 100 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem

Reward from the following Quests:

In other languages

Language Name
English English Shovel
Portuguese Portuguese (BR)
Spanish Spanish (LA) Pala
French French Pelle
German German Schaufel
Polish Polish Łopata
Romanian Romanian Lopată
Swedish Swedish Shovel
Net Net  •  Shovel Shovel  •  Pickaxe Pickaxe  •  Uncharged Lumirod (EnergyStickUnchargedBlue) Uncharged Lumirod  •  Red Lumirod Red Lumirod  •  Blue Lumirod Blue Lumirod  •  Green Lumirod Green Lumirod  •  Charged Lumirod Charged Lumirod