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Slimy Research is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Richard Richard: It's true that the kraken arrived here ahead of schedule, but when it surfaced it seemed completely exhausted. I think it was attacked. If you'll bring me 2 GLOBS of SLIME from the SNAILS that came with it, I can test my theory. I'll pay you 400 GEMS and 1 COIN for the samples. 


KRAKEN ISLAND: Collect 2 GLOBS of SNAIL SLIME and bring them to RICHARD.



Richard Richard: The SNAILS you defeat might drop GLOBS of SNAIL SLIME. Please bring me 2 of them for my research. You will be compensated 400 GEMS and 1 COIN for your time. Be careful not to contaminate the samples! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

Quest Completion Dialogue

Richard Richard: Such unusual slime! On closer inspection, it seems the kraken was indeed attacked before it surfaced. Quite viciously, too. Oh, don't forget your reward. I'd hate for all your hard work to go unpaid. What could attack something that big? 

In other languages

Language Name
English English Slimy Research
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Pesquisa Pegajosa
Spanish Spanish (LA) Investigación Pegajosa
French French Slimy Research
German German Slimy Research
Polish Polish Slimy Research
Romanian Romanian Slimy Research
Swedish Swedish Slimy Research
 • A Dream Come True  • Choosing a Path  • Digging Into the Past  • Historical Kraken  • Island Studies  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 2  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 3  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 4  • Power of Provocation, Chapter 5  • Save the Kraken  • Slimy Research  • Stocking Up  • Supply Chain  • Tentacle Search  • Voice of Experience