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MilMo Wiki

Speed-Swim is a General Ability in MilMo.

Use Effect

When used, Speed-Swim gives the following effect: Increases swim speed by 200%. (Max Stack:1).

How to Obtain

Purchased at the following Shops:

NPC Price
Shopkeeper (ShopNPC1) Shopkeeper 270000 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem
Kim's Workout Book Kim's Workout Book 300000 Gem (Gem) GemGemA shiny gem! Good for trading.Gem

Reward from the following Quests:

In other languages

Language Name
English English Speed-Swim
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Nadar Rápido
Spanish Spanish (LA) Velocidad para Nadar
French French Speed-Swim
German German Speed-Swim
Polish Polish Szybkie Pływanie
Romanian Romanian Viteza-Înot
Swedish Swedish Speed-Swim
Fleet Footed General Abilities
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