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Strongest Guard, Part 1 is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

: I am growing weaker by the day, but you now have the talent to learn how to strengthen the defense of both yourself and your friends. Travel to PROPYLON in the world above and talk to SENTINEL 7. He will teach you what you need to know. You can get to AIR WORLD using the COMPASS in NAVIGATOR. Hurry, my strength is fading. You must figure out the rest on your own. 


Travel to PROPYLON and talk to SENTINEL 7. You can get to AIR WORLD using the COMPASS in NAVIGATOR.




Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Sentinel 7 (QuestNPC) Sentinel 7 (Propylon Propylon): Hello. My data is telling me I should share my knowledge with you.:

In other languages

Language Name
English English Strongest Guard, Part 1
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) A Guarda Mais Forte, Parte 1
Spanish Spanish (LA) Strongest Guard, Part 1
French French Strongest Guard, Part 1
German German Strongest Guard, Part 1
Polish Polish Strongest Guard, Part 1
Romanian Romanian Cea Mai Puternică Gardă, Partea 1
Swedish Swedish Strongest Guard, Part 1
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