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There are multiple versions of this cloth. Click on the tabs to see details of each one.

Tech Suit Body is a wearable Cloth of type Jackets in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Tech Suit Body can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop
Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
1700 1360 306

Tech Suit Body is a wearable Cloth of type Jackets in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Tech Suit Body can be obtained in the following ways:
Sold on Cash Shop
Price June Cash Price June Cash (IconPremium) Price Coins
1700 1360 306


Tech Suit Body are part of the Tech Set:

In other languages

Language Name
English English Tech Suit Body
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Tech-Roupa
Spanish Spanish (LA) Cuerpo para traje de técnico
French French Tech Suit Body
German German Technik-Kleider
Polish Polish Tech Suit Body
Romanian Romanian Corp Costum Tehnic
Swedish Swedish Tech Suit Body
 • Knight Suit Knight Suit  • Black Robe (BlackRobeBoy) Black Robe  • Vintage Pilot Jacket (Jacket0011IngameBoy) Vintage Pilot Jacket  • Bumblebee Suit Bumblebee Suit  • Trunk Armor Trunk Armor  • Tech Suit Body (Armor0001) Tech Suit Body  • Frost Suit (Armor0010) Frost Suit  • Safir Suit (Armor0011) Safir Suit  • Spy Shoulderguard (Armor0013) Spy Shoulderguard  • Beaver Suit (Coverall0001) Beaver Suit  • Bunny Suit (Coverall0002) Bunny Suit  • Spotted Coverall (Coverall0003) Spotted Coverall  • College Jacket College Jacket  • Straight Leather Jacket Straight Leather Jacket  • Pinstripe Jacket Pinstripe Jacket  • Harlequin Jacket (Jacket0008) Harlequin Jacket  • Suit Jacket Suit Jacket  • Snow Jacket (Jacket0012) Snow Jacket  • Wizard's Robe (Jacket0013) Wizard's Robe  • Swordsman Suit Swordsman Suit  • Samurai Suit Samurai Suit