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MilMo Wiki

Telepod is a Useable Item in MilMo.

How to Obtain

Telepod can be obtained in the following ways:

Dropped by the following Creatures:

Reward from the following Quests:

Found at the following Areas:

Area (Event) Location Probability Spawn Interval

Obtained from:
Sold on Cash Shop:

Used in

Telepod has the following uses:


It allows teleporting to unlocked Areas on Navigator instantly.

In other languages

Language Name
English English Telepod
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Telepod
Spanish Spanish (LA) Telépodo
French French Télépod
German German Telepod
Polish Polish Telepoda
Romanian Romanian Transportor
Swedish Swedish Telepod
Useables Items
 • Name Change Name Change  • Reset Class Reset Class  • Taffy Taffy  • Cupcake Cupcake  • Heroic Potion Heroic Potion  • Halloween Candy Halloween Candy  • Candy Bar Candy Bar  • Running Potion (PotionSpeed01) Running Potion  • Rocket Rocket  • Firecrackers Firecrackers  • Hearty Rocket Hearty Rocket  • Big Rocket Big Rocket  • Confetti Bomb Confetti Bomb  • Power Berry Power Berry  • Boost Berry Boost Berry  • Double Heart Berry Double Heart Berry  • Bounce Berry Bounce Berry  • Rocket Berry Rocket Berry  • Quick Berry Quick Berry  • Barracuda Berry Barracuda Berry  • Heli-Ticket Heli-Ticket  • Jar of Honey Jar of Honey  • Mystery Box (MysteryBox) Mystery Box  • Ocean Potion (OceanPotion) Ocean Potion  • Health Potion Health Potion  • Jumping Potion (PotionJump01) Jumping Potion