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The Best Toy Ever is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Scratches (Scratches) Scratches:
Scratches (Scratches) Scratches: Oh, hello! It's nice to meet someone. I get bored sitting in here all day. 
Scratches (Scratches) Alt Scratches: Is that mouse I smell? Let me out! 
Scratches (Scratches) Scratches: What was I saying? Oh, right! I'll pay you 600 GEMS and 1 COIN for a piece of STRING. You can find one UP HIGH in the tent. 


FLEA CIRCUS: Search HIGH UP in the circus tent for 1 STRING. Bring it to SCRATCHES.



Scratches (Scratches) Scratches:
Scratches (Scratches) Scratches: If you're looking for STRING, you should check the high platforms at the middle of the tent. 
Scratches (Scratches) Alt Scratches: It's just an old tightrope, but he'll waste 600 GEMS and 1 COIN on it. Hrrh! 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • String String: I should bring this string to Scratches.:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Scratches (Scratches) Scratches:
Scratches (Scratches) Alt Scratches: String? What's that for? 
Scratches (Scratches) Scratches: Oh, thank you for the string! Now I've got something to play with. This reward is for you. 

In other languages

Language Name
English English The Best Toy Ever
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) O Melhor Brinquedo do Mundo
Spanish Spanish (LA) El Mejor Juguete:
French French The Best Toy Ever
German German The Best Toy Ever
Polish Polish The Best Toy Ever
Romanian Romanian The Best Toy Ever
Swedish Swedish The Best Toy Ever
Flea Circus Flea Circus Quests
 • A Grisly Task  • A Real Daredevil  • Ask Again Later  • Elixir of Something  • Feats of Strength  • Ghostly Escapees  • Memories of the Outdoors  • Noxious Ooze  • Outlook Good  • Reaching Out  • Restorative Magic, Chapter 12  • Restorative Magic, Chapter 5  • Restorative Magic, Chapter 6  • Scratch Mark 1  • The Best Toy Ever  • The Contortionist  • The Strongman  • To the Top!