Snipper: Believe it or not, those crabs used to look like me! Well, except for my dashing hat. Now they're all riled up about something. They won't talk to me, either. Maybe they'll talk to you. Just get close enough to talk to them. I'll give you 200 GEMS and 1 COIN for trying.
VISITOR ISLAND: Get close enough to talk to the strange BLUE CRABS, then tell SNIPPER what they say.
Snipper: Would you mind asking the other CRABS what's the matter? Just walk over there. I'll give you 200 GEMS and 1 COIN.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Near the Blue Crabs: It's just a lot of clacking. Better tell Snipper.:
Quest Completion Dialogue
Snipper: Just a lot of clacking? You mean you don't understand Crab-Speak? Well, it did take me a long time to learn your language. Here are the GEMS and the COIN I promised. I think I know what to do.