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MilMo Wiki
The Eternal Monument
The Eternal Monument
Summer Tide Saga

"The Prawn King's minions are hard at work. Feel like thwarting some evil today?"

The Eternal Monument is a Area in MilMo.


The Prawn King's minions are working day and night. What could he be up to?

Travel Connections

Exploration Tokens



Item (Event) Location Probability Spawn Interval
Doubloon Doubloon in grassy areas near the crabs on the main island ~50% 20 seconds
Old Coin Old Coin in grassy areas near the crabs on the main island ~38% 20 seconds
Sextant Sextant in grassy areas near the crabs on the main island ~13% 20 seconds


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Fleet Footed Fleet Footed ~100%
10 seconds


  • None


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Miniature Overseer Crab Overseer Crab 2 ~99% 20 seconds
Miniature Deep Crab Deep Crab 12 ~99% 10 seconds
Miniature Supply Crate Supply Crate 10 ~100% 45 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Crab Corrupted Crab 2 <1% 20 seconds
Miniature Imagination Devourer Imagination Devourer 2 <1% 20 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Crab Corrupted Crab 12 <1% 10 seconds
Miniature Invader Invader 12 <1% 10 seconds



 • June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co. <br> • Snipper (Snipper) Snipper <br> • From Calico Tom From Calico Tom <br> • Royal Decree (PrawnOrders1) Royal Decree <br> • File:Sea People Inscription.png Sea People Inscription <br> • Yarrn Yarrn

In other languages

Language Name
English English The Eternal Monument
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Monumento Eterno
Spanish Spanish (LA) El Monumento Eterno
French French Le Monument Éternel
German German The Eternal Monument
Polish Polish The Eternal Monument
Romanian Romanian Monumentul Etern
Swedish Swedish The Eternal Monument
Seastar Resort Seastar Resort&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Visitor Island Visitor Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Kraken Island Kraken Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rhubarb Island Rhubarb Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Swamp Island Swamp Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ancient Forest Ancient Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mushroom Forest Mushroom Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cozyville Cozyville&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Boss Beach Boss Beach&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Lightmill Island Lightmill Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Sage Oak Island Sage Oak Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cannon Island Cannon Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Treehouse Island Treehouse Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rose Island Rose Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Water Lily Island Water Lily Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Nikonos Island Nikonos Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Alien Ruins Alien Ruins&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Yacht Yacht&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Hidden Tor The Hidden Tor&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Eternal Monument The Eternal Monument&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Dunes The Dunes