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MilMo Wiki
MilMo Wiki
The Hidden Tor
The Hidden Tor
Summer Tide Saga

"Deep in the forest lies a jagged stone peak, haunted by spirits of the wicked."

The Hidden Tor is a Area in MilMo.


A great stone finger stabs at the sky ahead and the forest seems all too quiet... Heavy footfalls ahead. Death awaits on that terrible, ancient peak. Get ready!

Travel Connections

Exploration Tokens



  • None


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Fleet Footed Fleet Footed ~100%
10 seconds


  • None


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Miniature Maple Trunk Maple Trunk 6 ~100% 5 seconds
Miniature Dread Smasher Dread Smasher 1 ~100% 120 seconds
Miniature Dread Summoner Dread Summoner 1 ~100% 120 seconds
Miniature Hedgehog Hedgehog 5 ~100% 5 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Trunk Corrupted Trunk 6 <1% 5 seconds
Miniature Imagination Devourer Imagination Devourer 11 <1% 5 seconds
Miniature Wurmling Wurmling 6 <1% 5 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Hedgehog Corrupted Hedgehog 5 <1% 5 seconds


  • None


  • None

In other languages

Language Name
English English The Hidden Tor
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Tor Escondido
Spanish Spanish (LA) El Tor Oculto
French French La Tour Cachée
German German The Hidden Tor
Polish Polish The Hidden Tor
Romanian Romanian Torța ascunsă
Swedish Swedish The Hidden Tor
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