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The Red Charge is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar: The Lumirod can absorb special light from LIGHT GENERATORS. There seems to be a few of them on this island. This has to be done very carefully. First we need to charge it with RED LIGHT. I'll adjust the settings so that you don't accidentally charge another light. That could end up pretty bad. Here, take this uncharged LUMIROD and charge it by smashing the RED LIGHT GENERATOR. It's nearby. 


VISITOR ISLAND: Smash a RED LIGHT GENERATOR with the LUMIROD you got from EDGAR, then report back to him.



Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar: Smash the RED LIGHT GENERATOR with the LUMIROD, it should be nearby. 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

In other languages

Language Name
English English The Red Charge
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) A Carga Vermelha
Spanish Spanish (LA) The Red Charge
French French The Red Charge
German German The Red Charge
Polish Polish The Red Charge
Romanian Romanian The Red Charge
Swedish Swedish The Red Charge
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