MilMo Wiki


MilMo Wiki
The Village
The Village
Air World

"Whatever it was that made the War Birds so cruel seems to have driven them from their homes as well."

The Village is a Area in MilMo.


The War Bird village lies abandoned. Could they share the same fate as the citizens?

Travel Connections

  • Ziggurat Ziggurat - Aurax - 100 Gem '"`UNIQ--item-0--QINU`"'
  • Pyrgos Pyrgos - Aurax - 100 Gem '"`UNIQ--item-1--QINU`"'

'''Note:''' You need to complete the Aurax Repairs quest to unlock the travel routes.

Exploration Tokens



  • None


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Red Village Key Red Village Key ~100%
10 seconds
Green Village Key Green Village Key ~100%
10 seconds
Blue Village Key Blue Village Key ~100%
10 seconds
Circus Egg Circus Egg
(Spring Fling)
120 seconds


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Miniature Parvulu Parvulu 12 ~100% 10 seconds
Miniature War Bird Scout War Bird Scout 3 ~100% 10 seconds



 • Village Records Village Records (Fallen Heroes)<br> • Sentinel 7 (QuestNPC) Sentinel 7 <br> • Aurax (TravelNPC) Aurax <br> • File:Inscription (StatueInscription).png Inscription <br> • File:Inscription (VillageStone).png Inscription

In other languages

Language Name
English English The Village
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) A Vila
Spanish Spanish (LA) La Aldea
French French Le Village
German German The Village
Polish Polish The Village
Romanian Romanian Satul
Swedish Swedish The Village
Air World Air World Areas
Labyrinth Labyrinth&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Propylon Propylon&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Atrium Atrium&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mezzanine Mezzanine&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mechalon Mechalon&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Palaestra Palaestra&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Necropolis Necropolis&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Temenos Temenos&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Aviary Aviary&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ziggurat Ziggurat&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Village The Village&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Teichos Teichos&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Pyrgos Pyrgos&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ainigma Ainigma&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ejekatl Ejekatl