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MilMo Wiki
Visitor Island
Visitor Island
Summer Tide Saga

"Something has arrived on Visitor Island. Alien laser bugs and mutant blue crabs abound!"

Visitor Island is a Area in MilMo.


'''Visitor Island''' is the next area to go to after Water Lily Island. Players unlock this area via the tugboat. A boss monster can be battled "'''Inside the UFO'''"when the teleporter situated on one of the islands is activated through the Alien Watchamajigger, leading to the Alien Ruins.

Travel Connections

'''Note:''' You need the Alien Watchamajigger Alien Watchamajigger to enter "'''Inside the UFO'''" to gain access to the hidden passage beneath the Possessed Survivor and then defeat him to access the Alien Ruins.

Exploration Tokens



Item (Event) Location Probability Spawn Interval
Gem (Gem) Gem near the UFO near Philonous ~80% 30 seconds
Arrow Arrow near the Mutated Crabs ~6% 10 seconds
UFO Hull Piece UFO Hull Piece near the Mutated Crabs ~50% 10 seconds
Alien Gadget Alien Gadget near the UFO near Philonous ~20% 30 seconds
Turnip Turnip near the Mutated Crabs ~17% 10 seconds
Lever Lever near the Mutated Crabs ~17% 10 seconds
Metal Plate Metal Plate near the Mutated Crabs ~11% 10 seconds
Crab Inscription Crab Inscription at a specific place ~100% 30 seconds
8-Track Tape 8-Track Tape Near the Fleet Footed pickup ~100% 1800 seconds
Cell Cell near the Mutated Crabs <1% 10 seconds
Old Game Cartridge Old Game Cartridge Near the Fleet Footed pickup <1% 1800 seconds


Item (Event) Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Bellstring Flower Bellstring Flower ~100%
30 seconds
Super Jump Super Jump ~100%
30 seconds
Fleet Footed Fleet Footed ~100%
30 seconds
Gift Egg Gift Egg
(Spring Fling)
120 seconds
Rotten Pirate Tooth (EventToothLevel01) Rotten Pirate Tooth
(The Legend of Toothless Jack)
60 seconds


Item (Event) Probability Spawn Interval
Spiral Shell Spiral Shell ~9% 5 seconds
Abalone Shell Abalone Shell (The Sun Parade) ~9% 5 seconds
Golden Sea Star Golden Sea Star (Winterfest) ~9% 5 seconds
Pink Sea Star Pink Sea Star (Treasure Hunt) ~9% 5 seconds
Golden Sea Star Golden Sea Star (Winterfest) ~6% 5 seconds
Pink Sea Star Pink Sea Star (Treasure Hunt) ~6% 5 seconds
Abalone Shell Abalone Shell (The Sun Parade) ~6% 5 seconds
Seaweed Seaweed ~5% 5 seconds
Glass Float Glass Float ~5% 5 seconds
Spiral Shell Spiral Shell ~5% 5 seconds
Glass Float Glass Float ~3% 5 seconds
Blue Sea Star Blue Sea Star (Sea Festival) ~28% 5 seconds
Spiral Shell Spiral Shell ~25% 5 seconds
Clock Radio Clock Radio ~2% 5 seconds
Oyster Oyster ~2% 5 seconds
Feather Feather ~2% 5 seconds
Blue Sea Star Blue Sea Star (Sea Festival) ~19% 5 seconds
Beach Shell Beach Shell ~19% 5 seconds
Beach Shell Beach Shell ~14% 5 seconds
Seaweed Seaweed ~14% 5 seconds
Beach Shell Beach Shell ~13% 5 seconds
Piece of Glass Piece of Glass ~13% 5 seconds
Waterproof Journal (JournalSeaPeople2) Waterproof Journal ~100% 600 seconds
Teal Coral Teal Coral <1% 5 seconds
Green Sea Star Green Sea Star (Treasure Hunt) <1% 5 seconds
Fish Head Fish Head <1% 5 seconds
Wooden Idol Wooden Idol <1% 5 seconds
Shark Tooth Shark Tooth <1% 5 seconds
Sea Star Sea Star <1% 5 seconds
Spiny Lobster Spiny Lobster <1% 5 seconds
Fossil Fossil <1% 5 seconds
Fishing Glove Fishing Glove <1% 5 seconds
Sun-Bleached Fish Skull Sun-Bleached Fish Skull <1% 5 seconds
Message to Philonous Message to Philonous <1% 5 seconds


Creature (Event) Amount Spawn Probability Spawn Interval
Miniature Mutated Crab Mutated Crab 6 ~99% 20 seconds
Miniature Alien Bug Alien Bug 6 ~98% 20 seconds
Miniature Shale Mine Shale Mine 5 ~70% 300 seconds
Miniature Limestone Mine Limestone Mine 5 ~30% 300 seconds
Miniature Alien Spore Alien Spore 7 ~100% 120 seconds
Miniature Red Light Generator Red Light Generator 1 ~100% 60 seconds
Miniature Green Light Generator Green Light Generator 1 ~100% 60 seconds
Miniature Blue Light Generator Blue Light Generator 1 ~100% 60 seconds
Miniature Possessed Survivor Possessed Survivor 1 ~100% 300 seconds
Miniature Imagination Devourer Imagination Devourer 6 <1% 20 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Crab Corrupted Crab 6 <1% 20 seconds
Miniature Corrupted Alien Bug Corrupted Alien Bug 6 <1% 20 seconds
Miniature Invader Invader 6 <1% 20 seconds



 • Old Snicky's Rebellion Old Snicky's Rebellion (Fallen Heroes)<br> • June Shipping Co. (Juni) June Shipping Co. <br> • Snipper (Snipper) Snipper <br> • Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar <br> • Dictated Flight Log Dictated Flight Log <br> • Philonous Philonous <br> • File:Inscription (ProphecyTalker).png Inscription <br> • Peter Peter (Halloween)

In other languages

Language Name
English English Visitor Island
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Ilha dos Visitantes
Spanish Spanish (LA) Isla del Visitante
French French Ǝle d'ƉtrangĆØres
German German Visitor Island
Polish Polish Visitor Island
Romanian Romanian Insula Vizitatorului
Swedish Swedish Ufo Ɩn
Seastar Resort Seastar Resort&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Visitor Island Visitor Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Kraken Island Kraken Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rhubarb Island Rhubarb Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Swamp Island Swamp Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Ancient Forest Ancient Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Mushroom Forest Mushroom Forest&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cozyville Cozyville&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Boss Beach Boss Beach&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Lightmill Island Lightmill Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Sage Oak Island Sage Oak Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Cannon Island Cannon Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Treehouse Island Treehouse Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Rose Island Rose Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Water Lily Island Water Lily Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Nikonos Island Nikonos Island&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Alien Ruins Alien Ruins&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;Yacht Yacht&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Hidden Tor The Hidden Tor&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Eternal Monument The Eternal Monument&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;The Dunes The Dunes