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MilMo Wiki

Warhead is a Medal in MilMo.

Unlock Method

Warhead can be obtained by completing the following requirements:
 • Complete the medal: The Survivor The SurvivorThe SurvivorYou have survived 10 explosions in the arena.The Survivor
 • Complete the medal: The Detonator The DetonatorThe DetonatorYou have won a match in the arena, using only bombs.The Detonator
 • Complete the medal: The Bomber The BomberThe BomberYou have defeated 3 players with a single bomb in the arena.The Bomber
 • Complete the medal: Shadowlurker ShadowlurkerShadowlurkerYou have defeated 10 players in the arena with a bomb, while knocked out.Shadowlurker

In other languages

Language Name
English English Warhead
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Ogiva
Spanish Spanish (LA) Ojiva:
French French Ogive
German German Flugzeugbomben
Polish Polish Głowica bojowa
Romanian Romanian Focos
Swedish Swedish Warhead