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MilMo Wiki

Winterfest is a Seasonal Event in MilMo, which takes place between December and January.


Event Overview:

Event Content[]

Themed Areas[]

The following areas are in winter during the event:

Cash Shop[]

Name Price Member Price Coin Price
Candy Cane (Weapon) (Melee0081) Candy Cane (Weapon) 3000 June Cash 2400 June Cash 540 Coins
Cozy Scene Cozy Scene 2499 June Cash 1999 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Axe Frost Axe 15999 June Cash 12799 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Blade Frost Blade 15999 June Cash 12799 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Boots (Shoes0024) Frost Boots 1800 June Cash 1440 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Crown Frost Crown 2999 June Cash 2399 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Gloves (Gloves0005) Frost Gloves 2999 June Cash 2399 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Legs (Pants0017) Frost Legs 1599 June Cash 1279 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Suit (Armor0010) Frost Suit 1995 June Cash 1596 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Wand Frost Wand 15999 June Cash 12799 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Frost Wings Frost Wings 60000 June Cash 48000 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Holiday Hat Holiday Hat 499 June Cash 399 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Icicle Club Icicle Club 15999 June Cash 12799 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Icicle Pendant (Pendant0001) Icicle Pendant 800 June Cash 640 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Scape Scape 1999 June Cash 1599 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Ski Stick Ski Stick 8000 June Cash 6400 June Cash 1440 Coins
Snow Cap Snow Cap 1450 June Cash 1160 June Cash 261 Coins
Winterfest Tree (FloorItem0053) Winterfest Tree 4995 June Cash 3996 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.
Wreath Wreath 799 June Cash 639 June Cash This item is not sold for coins.


Medal Description Rewards
A Light in the Darkness A Light in the Darkness You've completed the Winterfest event. 1x200 Cells 200 Cells,8000 XP
The Impatient The Impatient You have smashed 20 Winterfest gifts. 100 Gems,300 XP
Under Wraps Under Wraps You have smashed 50 Winterfest gifts. 500 Gems,750 XP
Present Danger Present Danger You have smashed 150 Winterfest gifts. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Nose-Nipper Nose-Nipper You have defeated 25 snow fiends. 100 Gems,300 XP
Frostbitten Frostbitten You have defeated 100 snow fiends. 500 Gems,750 XP
Abominable Abominable You have defeated 250 snow fiends. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Junior Jingler Junior Jingler You have defeated 25 winter goats. 100 Gems,300 XP
Bell-Ringer Bell-Ringer You have defeated 100 winter goats. 500 Gems,750 XP
Ringing in the New Year Ringing in the New Year You have defeated 150 winter goats. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Christmas Tree Decorator Christmas Tree Decorator Received after completing Operation Xmas 10x20 Mana 20 Mana,10000 Gems,10000 XP
Coldheaded Coldheaded Received for defeating 25 Frozen Manus. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Snow White Snow White Received for defeating 100 Frozen Manus. 2500 Gems,3000 XP
Ice Cube Ice Cube Received for defeating 250 Frozen Manus. 1x20 Mana 20 Mana,5000 Gems,6000 XP
Ice Miner Ice Miner Received for defeating 25 Ice Golems. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Ice sculptor Ice sculptor Received for defeating 100 Ice Golems. 2500 Gems,3000 XP
Jack Frost Jack Frost Received for defeating 250 Ice Golems. 1x20 Mana 20 Mana,5000 Gems,6000 XP
Magic Gardener Magic Gardener Received for collecting 25 Magic Twigs. 1000 Gems,1500 XP
Mandrake Catcher Mandrake Catcher Received for collecting 100 Magic Twigs. 2500 Gems,3000 XP
Enchanted Herbologist Enchanted Herbologist Received for collecting 150 Magic Twigs. 1x20 Mana 20 Mana,5000 Gems,6000 XP


Miniature Frozen Manu Frozen Manu<br>Miniature Winter Goat Winter Goat<br>Miniature Ice Golem Ice Golem<br>Miniature Ice Colossus Ice Colossus<br>Miniature Blue Present Blue Present<br>Miniature Green Present Green Present<br>Miniature Red Present Red Present<br>Miniature Snow Fiend Snow Fiend



Name (Event) Location
Cardboard Box (Winterfest) (CardboardBox3) Cardboard Box (Winterfest) (Winterfest) Cozyville Cozyville
Frost Chest Frost Chest (Winterfest) Temenos Temenos
Karhu Karhu (Winterfest) Seastar Resort Seastar Resort
Petra Petra (Winterfest) Temenos Temenos
Snipper (Snipper) Snipper (Winterfest) Cannon Island Cannon Island
Snipper (WinterFestSnipper) Snipper (Winterfest) Kraken Island Kraken Island