Edgar: I did not flee my planet alone. There was one other who escaped the imagination devourers. I fear he may still be trapped INSIDE THE SHIP! If I give you 500 seaweeds, will you check on him? No? How about 500 GEMS and 1 TELEPOD, then?
VISITOR ISLAND: Find a way INSIDE THE UFO to check on the pilot. Return to the ALIEN EDGAR.
Edgar: Please find a way INSIDE THE SPACESHIP quickly. My friend is still trapped. You may be needing something from the NO-BRAINER PROBE to infiltrate the ship.
Progress/Completion Thoughts
Inside the UFO: This looks bad.:
Quest Completion Dialogue
Edgar: Did you find my friend inside the spaceship? Was he all right? Oh. It sounds like the imagination devourers got to him, just like all the others on our planet.