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World Tour, Part 1 is a Quest in MilMo.

Quest Introduction Dialogue

Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar: I did not flee my planet alone. There was one other who escaped the imagination devourers. I fear he may still be trapped INSIDE THE SHIP! If I give you 500 seaweeds, will you check on him? No? How about 500 GEMS and 1 TELEPOD, then? 


VISITOR ISLAND: Find a way INSIDE THE UFO to check on the pilot. Return to the ALIEN EDGAR.


  • Find Inside the UFO


Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar: Please find a way INSIDE THE SPACESHIP quickly. My friend is still trapped. You may be needing something from the NO-BRAINER PROBE to infiltrate the ship. 

Progress/Completion Thoughts

  • Inside the UFO: This looks bad.:

Quest Completion Dialogue

Edgar (AlienEdgar) Edgar: Did you find my friend inside the spaceship? Was he all right? Oh. It sounds like the imagination devourers got to him, just like all the others on our planet. 

In other languages

Language Name
English English World Tour, Part 1
Portuguese Portuguese (BR) Turnê Mundial, Parte 1
Spanish Spanish (LA) Tour Mundial, Parte 1
French French World Tour, Part 1
German German World Tour, Part 1
Polish Polish World Tour, Part 1
Romanian Romanian Tur Mondial, Partea 1
Swedish Swedish World Tour, Part 1
 • A Shiny, Shiny Thing  • Alien Hunt  • An Engineer's Food  • Converter Power  • Detour  • Mayoral Tribute  • Reverse Engineering  • Take to the Air  • Hidden Quest:Remove Blue Lumirod  • Hidden Quest:Remove Green Lumirod  • Hidden Quest:Remove Red Lumirod  • The Alien Menace  • The Blue Charge  • The Crab-Speak Potion  • The Crustacean Confrontation  • The Crustacean Confrontation II  • The Green Charge  • The Prawn Invasion  • The Red Charge  • Thing Alert!  • World Tour, Part 1  • World Tour, Part 10  • World Tour, Part 11  • World Tour, Part 12  • World Tour, Part 2  • World Tour, Part 3  • World Tour, Part 4  • World Tour, Part 5  • World Tour, Part 6  • World Tour, Part 7  • World Tour, Part 8  • World Tour, Part 9  • Yummy Fish Heads